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Campus Resources

Mission, Values, History

Our Mission

The Campus Activities Board (CAB) works to enhance and unify the university community by planning social, cultural and educational events that compliment the university's academic mission.

Our History

The Campus Activities Board (CAB) is the largest student programming organization and is responsible for planning diverse, quality events for the university community. CAB was founded early on in the history of UNC Charlotte, and maintains a vital role in fostering 49er spirit and traditions such as comedy shows, movie nights, game shows, live music, and more.

We Value

The image of CAB and producing quality events the talents and gifts of our committee members the ability to develop leaders and enhance individual skills the diversity and ideas of all members of the campus community.

Our Origin

The Campus Activities Board was originally founded as a program board under the University Union in 1966. It was composed of faculty, administration, and students. The program board went through many name and structural changes over the years.

In 1970, it was changed to the Student Activities Board. Positions on the board were initially volunteer positions held by major student leaders such as the SGA president and University Union Chairman.

The first year that students received pay for their time was in 1972. The Student Activities Board became known as the Student Union Board in 1972 and the Union Program Board in 1974.

Four years later, the board changed names to the title University Program Board and kept this structure and name for quite some time. As the campus continued to grow, the University Program Board demands grew as a result of this growth in the campus community and the program board began to offer programs across the UNC Charlotte campus.

In 2000, significant evaluation and discussion occurred surrounding the University Program Board and how to best meet the needs of the ever-changing student body. As a result, the Campus Activities Board concept was developed to guide the Board into the next century. This Board concept combined aspects of the past board structure as well as enhanced the structure of the Board to be more amenable to the demands of the future.

As still evident today, the Campus Activities Board plays a vital role in the history and traditions of UNC Charlotte and remains the largest student programming organization. The Board works to uphold the academic mission of the university by providing social, recreational, cultural and intellectual activities for the entire campus community.